The 12 Focus Areas (Short Summary)
No. Symbol Focus area Summary No. Symbol Focus area Summary
F1 Flow-Tuning Flow-Tuning Tune into the work of the team by finding a common rhythm at the beginning of the collaboration. F7 Creative space-Design Creative space-Design Configure an open workspace for capturing and developing creative and emerging ideas.
F2 Target groups - Focus Target groups - Focus Clarify who the client is, what the team is producing, and what benefits must result from this. F8 Connection-Management Connection-Management Establish forms for remote collaboration (even with partially unknown partners).
F3 Prototyping Prototyping Develop existing ideas while paying close attention to rules of communication: improve the ideas instead of judging them. F9 Signal-Processing Signal-
Consider signals as phenomenon of the overall system as they often contain important messages and information about further progress and development.
F4 TransFORMation TransFORMation Act according to the basic principles of evolution. CoCreate someTHING and give life to new forms. F10 Use of Flow-Energy Use of Flow-Energy Channel energies in the desired direction and optimize the energy flow.
F5 In/Out In/Out Determine what does and does not belong to the system and what enters and what exits (information, material, energy, people). F11 Integrative Presentation Integrative Presentation Involve partner and 'clients' in the presentation in order to exploit fully their potential contribution.
F6 Talent-Profile Talent-Profile Exploit the diversity of the participants in a constructive way. Remember that diversity is an opportunity! F12 Success -concepts Success -concepts Recognize and formulate the success factors of the collaboration and apply them consciously to future collaboration.

FlowTeam SA, NovaVita Résidences, Rue du Quai 2A, 1820 Montreux, Schweiz, Tel +41 (0)79 401 47 77
E-Mail info@flowteam.com