The Atmosphere of a FlowTeam Meeting
Unleash the collective intelligence of your teams

The working style of a self-organizing FlowTeam meeting differs significantly from the conventional. Self-organized working and learning does not mean sitting quietly and listening, but acting and participating freely. Everybody is in constant flow - everything is always moving and changing.

Prototyping > (see F 3), the rapid development of initial solutions, can best be compared to playing. It is a trial and error process that facilitates experimenting and risk-taking without fear and exploring creative learning possibilities in a safe space. Learning and working become a rich adventure of new discoveries.

Participants witness their own transformation as the possibilities they create become tangible realities. They learn and grow by "doing". Consequently, their faith in their own mastery increases and they develop greater confidence in their ability to handle new challenges and uncertainties.

Conventional meetings, workshops, or training sessions are usually organized according to clearly structured agendas or course outlines. Self-organized events, however, take a different approach. The work process is driven instead by commonly desired objectives and the collective intelligence. The energy of the participants flows freely and each one finds the tasks, projects and issues to which she/he can give their best and make the greatest contribution. The commonly formulated work process and objectives prevents the process from getting out of hand. It is, however, important that a FlowTeam animator co-ordinates the processes at the beginning of the work session.

In contrast to the conventional meeting moderator, the FlowTeam animator acts as a coach for a self-organizing meeting or workshop. His primary job is to create a space for the participants to generate their own ideas and solutions. He helps the team to pay attention to and understand the success factors that drive their co-operation during the team meeting so they can use them in the future. As a result the team gradually develops their own specific "rules of co-operation". Over time the team refines these rules and is able to apply them more and more consciously. The team learns to optimize their process of co-operation through principles of self-moderation. The fundamental dynamic that keeps the team together is their common agreement on the objectives, purpose, and priorities of their work.

Benefits of the FlowTeam-Method

FlowTeam-Design provides the team with the following benefits:

  • The team focuses on the real business problems they face in their actual environment and not on hypothetical examples or case studies. This results in practical and useful solutions. Consequently, there is not the usual transference problem experienced in most seminars and workshops and the results can immediately be put into practice.
  • The team has fun in quickly achieving tangible results. This promotes satisfaction and stimulates self-confidence.
  • The participants experience their ability to solve problems efficiently through their individual and collective talents. They develop confidence in the team's ability to make things happen. This frees up blocked energy and positively influences the achievement of their ultimate goals.

FlowTeam SA, NovaVita Résidences, Rue du Quai 2A, 1820 Montreux, Schweiz, Tel +41 (0)79 401 47 77
E-Mail info@flowteam.com