Overview of the FlowTeam-Method
Conventional FlowStyle Summary Focus areas
F1 Linear
At the start of a meeting and to break the ice, the team creates a "flow flower" divided into five elements: 1. Expected outputs; 2. Relevant input; 3. Meaning and purpose of the output for clients, team members, the team as a whole, and the organization, and a the larger environment; 4. Available resources; 5. Process and Course of Action. Flow-Tuning
F2 Standards
Standard Procedures
Customer Orientation
Focus on target groups (clients and partners) and their needs. Determine what you are going to produce for whom and for what purpose. Consider the benefits of the planned "product" for all involved. For clarification purposes consider eventually producing a short folder for the very specific target group. Zielgruppen-Focus
Target groups-Focus
F3 Beureilen
Develop a functioning prototype as rapidly as possible. Take existing ideas and develop them constructively rather than judging or criticizing them. Use the Flow-Communication rules consciously (e.g., "yes, and…" instead of "yes, but…", ask activating questions). Realize new versions of initial ideas quickly. Prototyping
F4 Reden
Talking about it
Gemeinsam etwas herstellen
CoCreate someTHING
CoCreate someTHING here and now instead of talking about it indefinitely. Configure the room to produce an optimal environment for the work. Recognize emerging innovations and trends. Write down all ideas and contributions and make them highly visible through graphics, drawings, diagrams, and blueprints. TransFORMation
F5 Konfrontation
Determine what does and does not belong to the system and what needs to be prioritized and optimized. Acknowledge and form the fluid boundaries and use the in/out rules e.g., getting the team in tune with the work, encountering people and situations, integrating and exiting members, and efficiently taking in information. In/Out
F6 Funktionen
Recognize, value, and utilize the interactive diversities of the members instead of homogenizing them. Analyze, express and use team talent profiles consciously and concisely. Combine and apply talents depending upon situations and develop them further. Talent-Profile
F7 Im Kreis herum reden
Talk in Circles
Alle aktiv
All Participants are Active
Design the room in a way that promotes optimal collaboration. Stage a creative space for capturing and naming emerging ideas and topics that come to light (flipcharts with titles and time). Release blocked energy and promote flow through a change of rhythm. For recurring meetings use a standard creative space design. Kreativraum-Design
Creative Space-Design
F8 Info-Mengen
Quantity of Information
Quality of Information
Set up the best possible arrangements for collaboration particularly through continuous feedback loops. Promote trust-building measures through intensive and reciprocal contact between and with all interested parties. Consider secrets and hidden relationships as normal. Emphasize high quality of information (transmitters) for remote collaboration. Connection-Management
F9 Suche von Schuldigen
Looking for Scapegoats
Prozesse verstehen und nutzen
Consider signals coming from the team (e.g., unusual behavior of some members or stress) as phenomena produced by the whole system. Keep in mind that these signals can contain precious information that is useful for the further development of the group. Analyze these signals, recognize and understand the underlying patterns and use them constructively. Signal-Processing
F10 Fixe Strukturen
Rigid Decision-making Process
Situative Entscheidungsprozesse
Situational Decision-making Process
Continuously channel the energy being unleashed by the team's co-operation toward their desired outcomes. Recognize the energy flow and vibrational patterns of the team and respond accordingly. Optimize and harness the flow of energy to create a climate of trust. Highlight aspects of the process to identify individual contributions to the team's success. FlowEnergie-Nutzung
Use of Flow-Energy
F11 Einweg-Präsentationen
One-way Communication
Enbeziehende Info-Märkte
Integrative Communication
Communicate with partners and clients to involve them rather than present to convince them. Prepare "info-markets" with activating questions. Integrate all the participants' ideas to give life to a 'superior' unity in the team. Create a fluid structure in order to support decision-making process and consensus building. Integrative Präsentationen
F12 Fehler analysieren und korrigieren
Analyze and Correct Mistakes
Erfolge bestärken
Consciously Apply Success Concepts
Track and analyze successes and success moments (turning points and breakthroughs) on a regular basis in order to determine success patterns. Use these models consciously and systemically for future collaborations. Acknowledge and reward the most excellent team contributions. Erfolgskonzepte
Success Concepts

FlowTeam SA, NovaVita Résidences, Rue du Quai 2A, 1820 Montreux, Schweiz, Tel +41 (0)79 401 47 77
E-Mail info@flowteam.com